Slider Cell Phone Lets People Get Their Game On

Author xlxmarketing 22.10.2008. | 03:25

When was the last time you made a phone call from your PSP or Gameboy? When was the last time you played a good a good, addictive game on your cellphone (and no, hungry snake doesn’t count)? A new phone has just hit the market that’ll let gamers get their NES on while still being able to make calls and do everything a cell phone will let them do. The multimedia twin slide gaming mobile phone
even has a D Pad.

How is the multimedia twin slide gaming mobile phone unique?

While most other so called gaming phones are set up vertically this multimedia cellphone is a slide phone that slides both ways, one way to unveil the keypad and the opposite way to get the d-pad and game controller into play. And how many other game phones do you know of have a NES rom thrown in to play Nintendo games when you’re on the road.

Who would buy the multimedia twin slide gaming mobile phone?

Gamers, commuters, students and anybody looking for a good multimedia phone that gives them a viable gaming alternative to a portable game player would love this wholesale phone

Why would someone buy the multimedia twin slide gaming mobile phone?

Anybody spending any time commuting between their job and their home in any of the major cities would probably see a large number of people with PSPs and other personal game consuls passing the time of the commute with a few quiet games. That can sometimes be a difficult proposition if they’ve got limited pocket/bag space when the number of gadgets can be limited.

The makers of the multimedia twin slide gaming mobile phone have worked out a way to combine the two gadgets in one fairly compact package. This slider phone will slide down to reveal the keypad and slide up to give the user access to the D-Pad. The dual band cell phone is fitted with two SIM card slots to let the user get the most out of their phone as will the phone’s bluetooth pairing capability and long battery life.

What eBay keywords can I use?

game phone, cellphone, multimedia cellphone, slider phone, NES rom

What will the multimedia twin slide gaming mobile phone cost per unit?

Chinavasion: $98.21(Item will cost less if more than one piece is ordered)

china import

Author xlxmarketing 22.10.2008. | 03:25
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