How To Increase Battery Life Of Android Smartphones

Author Chinavasion Marketing 14.7.2017. | 14:35

The latest Android phones are extremely powerful devices that bring along tons of possibilities. Sadly enough, modern day cell phones do not come with an endless battery life. Battery life may be one of the major specifications on which to base your purchasing decision but to be fair; many Android phones hardly make it through a demanding day. Luckily, there are some simple ways through which you can increase the continuous usage time of your battery. When following these tricks, you’ll be able to squeeze some extra hours of joy out of your phone without needing to spend any money on power banks or other smartphone accessories.


Source: Android Authority


Throughout this article, Chinavasion will show you 7 easy ways how to increase battery life of Android smartphones.


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Check what is using the most power

Different features of your phone use a different amount of energy while in use. Luckily, it is relatively easy to find out which of your phone’s features are using up the most of your battery’s energy. To do so, you’ll first have to navigate to your Settings App. Once you’re here, head to ‘’Battery’’. In this tap, you’ll find an abundance of valuable information on the current energy usage of your smartphone.


Source: AndroidCentral


If you want to find out what hardware and software applications drain your battery the most, can click on ‘’Consumption Level’’. This will provide you with a detailed overview of the Apps that are currently running and how much energy they are using. If you find an application that you barely use, you might want to close it down or uninstall it from your Android phone.


Close down apps running in background

Many people are unaware that after you have exited a mobile Application, it often keeps on running in the background of your phone. Although not visually present, it does still use up some of your battery life.


Source: PCmag


In order to find out which mobile Apps are currently running in the background, you’ll have to head to your settings App. Once here, head to ‘’Apps’’ section where you can see all your currently running Apps. As you will notice, here you’ll find many Apps that are running which you might not have been using in a while. When you click on a specific mobile Application, your phone will show you what it’s used for and how much space it takes up. Here, you can also easily stop the Apps that are running in the background in order to save battery life.


Turn off other unnecessary features

Modern Android phones come packed with an abundance of software features. All these features bring along great efficiency, however, also use a lot of your battery’s power. Although features such as Bluetooth, WiFi, and GPS are useful, you do not need them all the time.


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Just like Mobile Applications, these features will keep on running in the background and drain your battery even when you’re not actively using them. Therefore, it is advised to always close down your GPS, WiFi, mobile network, and Bluetooth when you’re not using them. Although it might not seem like much, this simple step can significantly increase your smartphone’s battery life.


Check your signal strength

People that live in an area that has a weak cellular coverage might experience a quicker loss of battery life. The reason behind this lies in the fact that your phone has to work harder to latch onto a signal that is strong enough to keep you connected. In order to do so, it uses up an increased amount of power.


Source: myrateplan


Sadly enough, there is not much that you can do about this issue. It is, however, good to know that this might be a reason for your short battery life in case you live in a rural area. If you wish to save power and are not in the need of mobile data or voice calls, you can always slip your phone into airplane mode. This little trick will significantly increase the continuous usage time of your battery.


Update your apps

Mobile applications get updated all the time but the changes are not always visual or easy to spot. This is because many apps often only get updated to use less battery power. Therefore, it is highly advised to download the latest version of your applications.


Source: AndroidStackExchange


Even if you have automatic updates enabled on your phone, some mobile applications still require manual updates. In the Play Store, you’ll be able to easily check whether your Apps are all up to date by clicking the menu key and going to ‘’My Apps’’.


Use extra power saving mode

Most of the latest Android phones feature an Ultra Power Saving Mode. When enabled, it limits your cell phone to be used for texting, making calls and browsing the web. Although it might not seem like much, this simple action will add an extra couple hours of standby time to your battery life.


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Dark wallpaper and low brightness

Our last tip is as simple as it is obvious. Turning down your brightness will significantly increase the duration of your smartphone battery. Additionally, it is known that smartphones use more power to display bright and light colors. Therefore, dark wallpapers can also increase your battery life.

Author Chinavasion Marketing 14.7.2017. | 14:35
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