5 Gadgets Back To The Future Got Right (and more)

Author Chinavasion Marketing 22.10.2015. | 15:57

October 21st 2015 was a special day for all Back to the Future fans. This was exactly the date when Doc and Marty landed in the future in the second part of the epic time travel trilogy.

With the exciting mix of gadgetry that Back to the Future envisioned us having on that very day, it’s hard to resist the temptation of looking back and figuring out which inventions have actually jumped off the screen and into the present moment.

Here’s a simple rundown of gadgetry that came (or will come) pretty close to the “future” as seen in the movie.



This one is probably the first on everybody’s list. We even talked about it quite a while ago in this post. One of the most exciting rideables ever seen on TV has caught the attention and ambition of many an inventor. These days, the Hoverboard chase scene from Back to the Future is not all that sci-fi.

Lexus and Hendo (as well as a few crowd-funding projects) are the two big rivals when it comes to enriching the world with hovering skateboards. While both Lexus and Hendo devices are not exactly “hovering” (instead relying on magnet-based tech tricks), they are still things of great awe but as of yet anr’t availabel for main steam consumers, however there are plenty of cool futuristic riadebles that you can choose from around in the real 2015.



Flying Cars

Flying Car

Okay, we are not quite there yet. However, the idea of taking off into the air at the sight of another earthly traffic jam has been on our minds for quite a while. A number of companies have actually promised to take us to the sky. So, if you are looking for the automobile of the future, you might want to take a look at Terrafugia’s TF-X or Aeromobil – both convertibles with vertical take-off and landing capabilities. Nope, you won’t be able to take either car for a spin quite yet, but we’re getting there.

AeroMobil flying car

Terrafugia TFX

Self-Lacing Shoes


A double treat for Back to the Future fans with a passion for athletic footwear. The self-tying wonder seen in the movie may very soon be just one of the items at any Nike store. The company announced its plan to make self-tying shoes a reality some time ago – and now it seems they finally are. An exciting tweet from the company on October 21st hinted that the first pair has arrived in New York. While a follow-up one by Michael Fox confirmed the excitement. This is actually happening, people!

Screen Shot 2015-10-22 at 2.23.54 PM


Dog Walking Drone 

The mischievous nosy drones are everywhere these days, but how could Back to the Future guys have know that? The dog walking drone featured in the movie may have seemed like something out of this world back then, but these days…. we actually need laws to stop the flying things from flying over our backyards (you can read more about Mischievous Drones and Drone Laws). We may not have got to the level of comfort yet where we could let a quad-copter walk Fido, but with Amazon’s and DHL’s ambitious plans for drone domination – who knows what the future will bring?

Quadcopter Drone

Video Glasses

Video Glasses

In one of the scenes from Back to the Future II, Marlene is seen wearing video glasses that can also connect to a phone and alert her about incoming calls. Sounds familiar?

Google Glass may not have become a hit with everyone, but the modern video glasses do allow you to hold conversations on Skype and more.

Google Glass

What’s more with all the VR releases heading our way this year, who knows what the future eyewear will be capable of doing in just a few months from now.

This is list is not a complete one by far. Biometric identification, vehicles running on recycled garbage, 3D, holograms and more… For a 90s sci-fi movie, Back to the Future II got pretty damn close! Who knows what will be possible in another 30 years, leave us a comment with your thoughts we’d love to read them.

Back to the Future

Want to learn about more movie gadgets that have come to life? Read on Sci-Fi Movie Gadgets That We Are Excited To Try For Real

Author Chinavasion Marketing 22.10.2015. | 15:57
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