Solar Panel Chargers, The Green Solutions To Gadget Blackouts (Part 1)

Author xlxmarketing 11.9.2008. | 00:45

There’s nothing worse than having your phone run out of juice in the middle of a phone call…. thankfully one solution you have is the portable solar charger the solar product that will have you and the environment smiling. –This is part 1 of a 2-part blog series.

It doesn’t matter where you are the portable solar charger will make you’ve got the juice to keep going.

With all the personal gadgets available today it’s sometimes a problem keeping them charged…. thankfully there is one option you can plug them directly into the sun with portable solar energy panels and solar panel chargers.

The iPhone, iPod, MP4s, MP3s, cell phones, digital camcorders, digital camera, and GPS devices. They have all become commonplace possessions for people on the go, whether that person is a business traveler, teenager or camper. We definitely have more electrified items to keep running these days.

It’s also true that less and less is being run by batteries , which is great news for the environment but not so great if you constantly forget to charge something up before you head out on the road. This is especially considering the crappy battery life some of the larger-screened gadgets have. (3G iPhone anyone)

Solar panel chargers don’t only make sure that you can charge up at any time on the road you want they are also good for the environment as well.

This should give you a warm glow of satisfaction in knowing that you’re helping the environment (which is much healthier than the pink cheeks you get from humidity caused by global warming).

Here are some reasons why we love portable solar chargers and emergency cell phone chargers:

Anything electrical can be charged up anywhere

So you’re on the road half the time and one day your smart phone goes dead half-way through an important call. Disaster! Right?

Such a disaster can also strike people getting away from it all in the great outdoors.

The cell phone has become a safety net but it won’t be much of a salvation if there’s no charge in the battery.

Solar chargers avert both situations because they use the sun to charge your gadgets… or the devices’ internal batteries which then charge the gadget.

So with solar chargers you know going to be covered because:


    1. The device has an internal battery which will let you take a charge off it at any time.


  1. In some cases the solar panels are put onto a material sheet which allows you to place them onto items such as packs which are exposed to sunlight for the entire day.


This is especially important for the energy-hungry gadgets with the large screens which seem to dominate the market these days.


There’s two problems with personal solar panels:

  1. They’re either sewn into the fabric of an overpriced under-sized backpack
  2. They’re in a hard casing which makes a DIY solar panel backpack a hard project goal to reach.

This set of solar panels is unique in that it’s fabric backing and four solid metal eyelets allow it to be sewn onto part of a pack with ease and the weather-resistant nature of its build means it will keep out mild attacks of weather.(click on the following link if you want to read more about Chinavasion’s foldable solar power panel for DIY pack projects)




They’re environmentally friendly

Just ask someone living next to a battery factory if it’s a pleasant experience.

It’s no secret that our energy consumption needs as a race have gone through the roof. It will also come as no surprise to anybody that disposable batteries aren’t the best way to feed this consumption.

But that doesn’t discount the fact that, until now, they were the only way to get power to your gadgets when you were on the road. Now there’s solar powered gadgets to do that cleanly and conveniently.

Read Part Two of this blog to find out how portable solar chargers can save you money



Author xlxmarketing 11.9.2008. | 00:45
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  1. BETSY BOWEN December 22, 18:55

    What a beautiful blog! I look forward to reading your next one.

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    I look forward to hearing from you.!

    All the best,

    Betsy Bowen

  2. James Mash December 26, 09:34

    Hi there Betsy,

    Sure, we would be happy to cooperate with you on this. Just send an email to our support team. and we can take it from there.

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