Use Appropriate Training Methods for Your Dogs Safety – Chinavasion Launches New Electronic Pet Device Category!

Author xlxmarketing 30.7.2012. | 09:33


Although we do not want to, we must sometimes find ways to control our pets. Perhaps they make too much noise, use the house as a lavatory or are uncontrollable in the park. This can cause embarrassing and unwanted public interactions with other people and other people’s pets. Subtle discipline can go a long way and this is why the majority of people decide on an electronic pet collar, though it is very important to choose the correct collar for the job and use the correct methods of discipline.

Gadgets for Pets

In a recent survey, 96% of veterinarians have seen or heard of dog collar accidents within the last year. This means that people are not using their dog collars correctly. Most likely pet owners are inappropriately using their electric shock levels or collar tightness. This can cause your pet distress and possibly create negative behavioral reactions.

Different dogs need different levels of shock treatment and discipline techniques. This means that if you have a particularly aggressive dog, then he or she will need a higher level of shock and in turn, if your pet is less aggressive, then you should use a milder shock or even a vibration setting.

These days there are a string of electronic dog collars out there for your pet. So you must be careful about which collar you choose. If in doubt, use a lighter form of shock method. We suggest contacting a local behavioral pet trainer to make sure that you are training your pet and using your pet collar appropriately.

Though, your pet’s safety is not solely confined to shock collar levels. A loose collar can cause as many issues as using the wrong shock setting. For example, a fence can be a safety hazard. Your pet’s collar can become caught on a fence when they are peering over it, jumping onto it or digging under it. Therefore you will need the appropriate collar tightness. Please see below for our collar tightness guidelines.

Gadgets for Pets

Dog Collar Measurements

When measuring for a collar ensure that:
1. Two fingers must be able to fit under the collar
2. The collar must not be tight so that one cannot do this but also not too loose.
3. Ensure your dog’s neck is long enough to accommodate our broadest collar.
4. When sizing for a collar ensure it is not on the last hole add at least an extra 5 cm on the diameter of the dogs neck.


Author xlxmarketing 30.7.2012. | 09:33
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1 Comment

  1. Electronic Dog Collar September 29, 16:56

    That’s great.. your information is very informative for me… according to me
    Dog owners take note: electronic collars will be prohibited as a form of physical restraint in Alexandria, Va.The devices can still be used in dog parks, during obedience training and on private property, but all dogs must be physically leashed in public in Alexandria.

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